Is anyone else keeping track of how many pictures we have of John in this shirt? I hate this damn shirt!!!!! Actually, I picked it out for him, so it's not that I don't like the shirt, but enough already! By some miracle I had convinced John that it was time to let it go, but then I made the mistake of leaving the "Give Away" pile in an accessible spot. Then somehow it came to his attention that we have a picture of the two of us at the Peak years ago and he is in this very shirt. So Mr. Funny Guy dug it out of the pile and donned it just for this occasion. Granted, this brown sweatshirt has been around the block, but it's certainly not 10 years old!
The girls were so excited when they found some plants at the top covered in ladybugs! We let them use the camera to take a few pictures. I love to see what they think is photo-worthy....such a different perspective from their little eyes.